Power in Vulnerability

Yesterday I mentioned to my boyfriend about beginning this website. When he asked if anything was new, I couldn’t keep a smile from my face.

Cue anxiety as I stammered to explain myself.

Telling people about this project fosters accountability and I am quite famous for starting things and never finishing them. So while it’s a good thing that he knows, it also makes it that much harder to let this project fall by the wayside.

One of the greatest challenges will be achieving balance. What do I post to foster a connection with readers and what do I reveal about myself? Writing is solitary work, but in order for others to understand, I must explain – more often than not that means peeling back layers that reveal an all too familiar soreness. It’s vulnerability at its finest and that’s a powerful thing.

One of my favorite TED talks by Brené Brown explains this wonderfully. The video is linked below for your viewing pleasure. It’s definitely worth the watch.

A reminder: we gain courage through practice. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable and out of your element, so long as you don’t allow those feelings to stop you from achieving your desires.

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