Auld Lang Syne

The clock struck twelve and the calendar’s reset. It’s a new year bursting with resolutions, revelations, and lessons learned.

Times. Long. Past.

New Years has long been time a time of reflection. We look upon the year and question our decisions, our path in life, what we value, what has served us, and consequently what needs to change. At times, the mind likes to play the game of now of then, setting side by side comparisons of who we were yesterday and who we are now. It can be painful, melancholic, but most of all, necessary.

Whoever said we can’t look back in order to move forward never delved into the nuance of what that really means.

Looking backward doesn’t equate longing or wishing to travel and transplant oneself. It’s an observation, a keen awareness and pays respect to one’s growth through adversity and the circumstance of living. As a writer, it pays well to transport oneself there, shuffling through emotions in order to connect to the world at large.

Our experiences breed connection with others and that’s a wonderful thing.

To serve as a reminder (for myself and others) it is okay to feel sadness over what’s happened “then.” It’s seeing ourselves on a distant shore, calling, waving. We know the outcome of our past selves – we lived it. Somehow, the knots of what ensnared us untangle. We’ve been there and we are alive and breathing and all the more stronger for it.

Think about the past. Think about  a time in your life that was so tortuous that it scraped every bit of willpower from your bones. You were once  so far under water that you were unsure if you’d ever taste the air again. This mountain seemed insurmountable, survival questionable. Now, remember it’s over. Though we may bear scars (both literal/figurative), we are still very much alive.

Every time something has stood in your way, somehow you’ve worked your magic to conquer it. You are succeeding. Isn’t that wonderful?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday, we don’t give ourselves nearly enough credit for these small victories. It’s important to note that these successes lead to larger ones. This goes hand in hand in building ourselves and eventually our lives.

So while some of us may be feeling lost out there in cyberspace, unsure of who we are, frantically hoping this year will shed some light on what may be, it’s important to pause, breathe, and remember:

There will be times when existing feels like sloughing through mud and sand. You will tire and the way out may not be clear. Heck, it may take time to find your footing and choose a direction in which to move. Just know every difficulty has its end.You have survived everything up until this moment. In reality, your track record is pretty fabulous and you – you’re a rock star.

The beauty of this life is discovering strength we didn’t know we possessed.

So those times long past? Honor them, release the memories that still bite and know that in time all things do heal. There’s no need to rush the process or think you should be further along than you already are. This is your journey – only yours. Be kind to yourself. Withhold judgement, knowing someday you may look back and say,

The experiences I’ve had have made me who I am – and for that, I’m grateful.

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